“Yes we’re going to skating I can not wait, I finally get to see my cousin's again” I shouted in excitement. “Dad, where are we going to meet them?” I begged. “We're going to see them at the skating centre,” dad laughed. “Aaaaaaaaaaaa” I screamed “this is going to be the best day ever.” As we arrived at the skating centre I quickly opened the door but there was one problem, we were too early and the car park was completely empty so Isaac and I climbed up onto the rail and waited and waited. The skating owners arrived. Yay we could finally go in. Just before I entered I heard someone calling my name so I turned around then I saw Myanna. Myanna is my step cousin. She is 9 and lives in Hamilton and she is really fun. “Yay” they’ve finally arrived I yelled. As we approached the centre we saw a whole bunch of skating gear. “Wow” Mya whispered in surprise. Myanna and I are really good skaters so once we put on our skates we zoomed off. “O-m-g,” Myanna shouted “this place is awesome”. The place was filled with colorful rainbow lights. I liked that they made pictures on the wall, even one of a cute bunny. We skated around for two hours then I saw my friend Aren. After we skated around we all took a break and ate some candy. I took a red skin and I loved it. It tasted part raspberry and part strawberry. I also had a crunchie bar and Myanna chose a caramel chocolate bar and smarties. We traded our lollies. One long piece of redskin for 5 smarties. They were really yum when you put them together with a teeny bit of crunchie. After our break we raced Nana who was trying out some skates not blades. She was pretty good but I still beat her. Nana chased us and caught Myanna. Soon it was time to leave so Myanna came home with us and Isaac went to Poppas to play with Jake. It was a big day and we were all worn out.