♥ Hi ♥
Here is a copy of my last basic facts test for the year.
I'm working on stage 6 level 3
At the begging of the year I was working at stage 5 level 2 😺
I need to work on my division.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Learning about animals that live in China.
Kia ora
This is an activity we did when we were learning how to find facts and put them in the right box on a fishbone diagram. We are learning how to write a report about an animal which is native to China. We are learning about China at the moment because last week was Chinese language week and one of our classmates, Braeden, is half Chinese. I decided to put a photo of my animal on the background of my fishbone diagram and publish it just like that.
Something I think I have done well is making sure I got the right facts in the right box.
Next time I think I could improve by writing more notes and fewer sentences. I need to just write down key words not whole sentences when I am making notes.
Ka kite ano
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Google Drawing of Bali
Kia ora
This is an activity we did when we were learning how to get better at Google Drawing.
Something I think I have done well is using a combination of pictures, shapes and text to represent a place I have just visited. I have been on a trip to Bali.
Next time I think I could improve my layout.
Ka kite ano
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
thank you letter
his is my thank you latter to my parents for taking me to Bali hope they will like it
Dear Mum and Dad
I am writing to thank you very much for letting me go to Bali last week.
I really enjoyed everything; the hotel,waterbom,monkeys,seeing my cousins, the safari and much, much more.
I think that Bali is my new favorite place now.
So again thank you so so much, Mum and Dad.
I can't wait to go back one day.
Love from
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
my art animation about taniwha. It was hard and I wanted to give up but in the end it was awesome. Mrs d said we had to master blending with pastel's. I think my taniwha look'd like this it was hard.
my art animation about taniwha. It was hard and I wanted to give up but in the end it was awesome. Mrs d said we had to master blending with pastel's. I think my taniwha look'd like this it was hard.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Rock climbing
On the holiday my brother mum and I went to Auckland to see our cousin's Skylah and Ella and our Aunty and Uncle. On the first day when we arrived to Auckland my Aunty had a plan to go rock climbing so we went to the rock climbing place. When we arrived to the rock climbing place we got four chocolate cookie's at started rock climbing. First we had a safety check for our harness and then we looked around for some rock wall to climb. first I climbed a really hard rock wall that had ropes that you had to hold on to I tried to get up to the top but I fell off when I reached about a meter it was really hard so then I went on i'm a rock wall with Pokemon and power puff girl's it was so so fun. not going to go over all of this because then it will take an hour but at the end of the day I climbed 22 rock wall's and it was awesome.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
My Speech about cigarettes.
Kia ora. Here are the cue cards for my speech about cigarettes. Learning how to write a one-sided argument is tricky but we helped each other and our teacher helped us get the right things in the right places. I hope I get to be in the finals next year.
Ka kite ano.
Ka kite ano.
Cigarettes should be banned
Are you a smoker?
I believe cigarettes should be banned in nz
Firstly, smoking cigarettes is bad for your health… Secondly, smoking is addictive and once people start smoking they find it hard to stop…. Finally, cigarettes cost a lot of money.
Half of all long-term smokers will die from a smoking-related disease. Around 5000 people die each year in New Zealand because of smoking or second-hand smoke exposure and more than 60 of the chemicals in cigarette smoke can cause cancer.
It is sad when people you love get
cancer and you see them sick.
Cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance found naturally in tobacco. It travels quickly to the brain when it is inhaled and can cause a feeling of temporary relaxation and stress relief. The chemicals in cigarette smoke make people feel happy for a while and they find it hard to stop smoking.
Smoking is an expensive habit. Smoking a pack a day costs around $8,300 per year or approximately $160 a week. This is based on pack of 20 that costs $22.80 (the average cost in January - 2016).
So, I’m sure you would agree that the sale of cigarettes in New Zealand should be made illegal. They are a terribly unhealthy habit that’s hard to break, will keep you poor and will make you die before your time.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
My end of Term 2 basic facts and multiplication levels.
Kia ora.
Here are the results of my basic facts and multiplication tests which we did in Week 9 Term 2. Last term I was working at Stage 5 Level 2 in basic facts but this term I sat the Stage 6 Level 3 test. My score was 29/30 and I got all my addition and subtraction facts to 20 correct. I need to work on Groupings that add to 1000, and multiplication and division facts.
In multiplication, I am working at Stage 6 Level 3 and I need to learn my 6x, 7x, 8x and 9x table.
So, my teacher is pleased with my progress since Term 1 but I need to keep revising my facts so I don't forget them.
Ka kite ano.
Here are the results of my basic facts and multiplication tests which we did in Week 9 Term 2. Last term I was working at Stage 5 Level 2 in basic facts but this term I sat the Stage 6 Level 3 test. My score was 29/30 and I got all my addition and subtraction facts to 20 correct. I need to work on Groupings that add to 1000, and multiplication and division facts.
In multiplication, I am working at Stage 6 Level 3 and I need to learn my 6x, 7x, 8x and 9x table.
So, my teacher is pleased with my progress since Term 1 but I need to keep revising my facts so I don't forget them.
Ka kite ano.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Kia ora. This is the result of the test we did at the end of our time unit. As you can see, I did mega badly. I only got four questions wrong but I got some of the most important questions wrong . Two of them I got the minuet hand and the hour hand mixed up but the other one did not show a picture so I had to guess. So I'll definitely try harder next time. My teacher does not agree that I have done badly as she says I got only 32% in the pretest so I have practically doubled my score.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Describing a Monkey
We have been learning how to write descriptions of things to improve our writing so one day we did this for a reading activity. You had to think carefully before you decided which group of ideas the sentence would go in.
We have been learning how to write descriptions of things to improve our writing so one day we did this for a reading activity. You had to think carefully before you decided which group of ideas the sentence would go in.
Reading: 27th June, 2016
To organise descriptive sentences into groups of similar ideas.
Who or what are you describing? Monkeys
Looks like
| |
Moves like
| |
Lives like
Colour code these sentences to show which paragraph they would fit in.
Monkeys have to search for their food every day in the forest.
Most monkeys have very clever hands but they do not have fingernails.
Monkeys live in family groups and feed their babies milk.
Monkeys can climb trees easily, swing from branch to branch and leap from tree to tree.
They run along branches and sometimes walk or run along the ground.
Many monkeys have soft furry bodies and long tails.
Most monkeys are omnivores, although they prefer seeds and fruit to meat.
Most monkeys tails are very long.
Most monkeys look a bit like a skinny, hairy human with a tail.
Monkeys live in the forest where the trees provide food and shelter.
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Learning how to tell 'quarter past' and 'quarter to' time.
Kia ora.
Here are my results. I am pretty good at telling the time on an anologue clock. Next we have to read 'to' and 'past' times to the nearest minute.
Ka kite ano.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Kia ora. Here is the result of a rounding activity I did in Maths Buddy. It was about rounding off to the nearest hundred. I think I did really well and I worked fast but my teacher does say that going fast is not always a good thing.
Ka kite ano.
Ka kite ano.
Understanding how to structure and write an argument.
The first paragraph of an argument is called the THESIS.
A THESIS is something that you believe.
In a piece of argument writing, a THESIS is made up of two parts.
Part 1 is your sentence about what you believe.
This is called a POSITION STATEMENT.
In this exercise you need to match an argument title with its POSITION STATEMENT.. Use the ‘Fill tool’ to colour code the matching POSITION STATEMENTS.
The Most Delicious Drug.
I believe that no one should be able to have more than two children.
Cats Are Better Pets Than Dogs.
I believe that dairy farmers are not doing enough to prevent pollution of waterways on their land.
All Prime Ministers of New Zealand Should Be Female.
I believe that homework should be banned.
Homework Should Be Banned.
I believe that chocolate is a drug.
Two Child Families.
I believe that future Prime Ministers of NZ should all be female.
Dairy Farmers Pollute Waterways.
I believe that cats make better pets than dogs.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
so in my sugar presentation I chose one of my favourite slides and one that has lots of info in it to screenshot for my blog
please comment
please comment
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Date: 15th March 2016
Task:To write a recount - A Time with Whanau
“Ring, Ring” It was my aunty again, phoning mum to check the plan for the weekend.
“Were going to Auckland on Saturday and were going to rainbows end on Sunday” mum explained
When I went to bed I dreamed about and humongous sky high Fear Fall ride at Rainbows end. I couldn’t wait!
It was Saturday morning and I was so excited about our trip but really sad we were leaving our puppy Ace behind. Dad assured me he would be okay at Daisy Downs while we were away. Daisy Downs was a sort of hotel for dogs.
After dropping off Ace we started driving to Auckland. My tummy started to rumble. Ïm starving” I complained. “Me too” said mum. “We will have to stop in Whangarei for something to eat”. When we stopped to eat in a shop I walked in and I saw Taylor. I wanted to say hello but mum was rushing me to choose my food. I waved to Taylor as she left.
Once we ate our food we headed back to the car. “Ohno” dad shouted “I forgot my wallet”. Mum did not look pleased. We then drove all the way home on the twisty, windy roads, picked up dad's wallet and set off again for the long ride to Auckland.
Feeling sick, tired and slightly excited I got out of the car at Nanas house in Auckland. We were staying with Nana the night which is always great because because Nana is always fun. She let us stay up late and watch the movie Pixels
After the movie we all when to bed. In the morning my mum and dad came and they had some bad news. My mum said that my cousins Lilly and Noah can't come to rainbows end with us but my other cousins Skylah and Ella can.
We all hopped into the car Nana came in our car to. Once we got to rainbows end my mum got a message from Skylah and Ella's mum my aunty Shell saying that they were in kids kingdom.
When we came into kids kingdom I saw my cousins Skylah and Ella on a pedaling airplane ride. When they got off we went on a ride called the choco express. There was a lime seat and a chocolate seat and a banana and a caramel and vanilla seat. When we hopped on the train we when on the chocolate seat. It when around and around like a roller coaster it even felt like you were going to fall of. But it was not that scary.
After that we went on a humongous playground. played in kids kingdom my dad talked me into going the roller coaster. When it was my turn I was crying. I was so freaked when we were upside down that I was screaming hard out my bones were shaking and I felt like I had butterflies in my tummy.
After the roller coaster I went on the log flume. The log flume had pirates and skeletons and waterfalls the pirates were saying beware beware!!!!!!. When we when down the log flume water side I shouted “ weeeeeeeeeeee” well my Nana shouted “Aaaaaaaaaaa” but my mum had her mouth shut and tried not to embarrass herself.
Soon it was time to open me a Ellas presents from our birthdays. When I opened my present from Ella I saw a big box with some dough shaped in hearts flowers butterflies and stars. After I gave Ella my gift to her she smiled and gave me a nice big hug.
Aunty shell said she had to leave so my mum dad nana brother and I headed back to rainbows end well my cousins left. When we came back to rainbows end we went on the bumper boats then the gold rush.
Then we all headed off to the arcade and played lot and lots of video games.
Then we dropped my nana off to her house and we all headed home.
Monday, 7 March 2016
Here are the results of my e-assle reading test from from last week I am not pleased with my result.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Reading Week 5
Here is a screenshot of a page from the presentation I am making about mountains
My Pepeha
Ko Kohukohunui te maunga
Ko Maraeatai te moana
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngai Tai te iwi
Ko Mataitai te hapu
Ko Umupuia te marae
Ko Troy toku Matua Tane
Ko Hikurangi te Maunga
Ko Awarua te awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Nga Puhi te iwi
Ko Ngati Mahia te hapū
Ko Te Huruhi te marae
Ko Amber-Wihongi Toku Whaea
No Pakaraka ahau
Ko Willow Toku Ingoa
No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
Maths Weekly Revision Week 5
Here are the results of this week’s maths revision. I scored…..
I need to work on….my pattens
My first handwriting sample for the year.
Here is a screenshot of my handwriting sample.I need to work on
Te Ahuahu
Here is my published recount about our walk up Te Ahuahu mountain. Lani and Lilly helped me edit it. I want you to notice that I used a simile/adjectives/vivid verbs/adverbs/personification.
Thursday, 25 February 2016
Thursday, 18 February 2016
MB Term 1 WK 3 2016
Maths-weekley Revision Tests-Here are my first weekley revision task on maths Buddy. I got 67%.
I need to work on my adding.
I need to work on my adding.
Place value was our focus for this week in maths.We did activities using equipment like place value blocks,arrow cards and the abacus. Then we did place value and expanded number exercises on Maths Buddy.
12Looking for Tens - Triangles - T1 Wk 3
Complete the following:
46 + 4 = 50
37 + 3 = 40
82 + 8 = 90
24 + 6 = 30
71 + 9 = 80
12 + 8 = 20
63 + 7 = 70
96 + 4 = 100
58 + 2 = 60
Now try these!
| ||
46 + 14 = 60
37 + 13 = 50
82 + 18 = 100
24 + 16 = 40
71 + 19 = 90
12 + 18 = 30
63 + 17 = 80
96 + 14 = 110
58 + 12 = 70
And these!
| ||
46 + 34 = 80
37 + 53 = 90
82 + = 120
24 + 56 = 70
71 + 49 = 120
12 + 38 = 50
63 + 37 = 100
96 + 54 = 150
58 + 32 = 90
Can you see any patterns?
Explain the patterns you can see.
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