Learning Journey

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


my art animation about taniwha.  It was hard and I wanted to give up but in the end it was awesome.  Mrs d said we had to master blending with pastel's.  I think my taniwha look'd like this it was hard.


  1. Hey Willow my name is Te Aroha and I am a year 6 from Kawakawa primary school. I like your animation on drawing taniwhas :) Do you know how to get transparent photos? If you don't, search up png at the end of what your looking for to get images with transparent backgrounds. Nice Animation :)

  2. Hi there, my name is Nikoli and I am a student in room kauri at yaldhurst School. I really like your art slide . It made me think of my art at school. Have you thought about your spelling on a draf. If you would like to see my learning, you can find me on the Kauri class blog which is http://kauriblog2015.blogspot.co.nz/
